When does Black Friday start?!? |
When was the "first" Thanksgiving in North America (Turtle Island)?
Most of us were taught the "traditional story" (
many historical myths surrounding this event) that in 1621 the Wampanoag Indians helped the Pilgrims to survive at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts and were invited by the Pilgrims to enjoy the fruits of their harvest at the first Thanksgiving feast.
There are many other claims to the "first" Thanksgiving:
St. Augustine, Florida...1565
James River Colony, Virginia...1619
Plymouth, Massachusetts...1621(Traditional Story)
Massachusetts Official Thanksgiving...1637
(Giving thanks for the death of 600 Native Americans)
Plymouth, Massachusetts...1676
(Giving thanks for the death of Metacom & 4,000 Native Americans)
Abraham Lincoln...1863
(Thanksgiving Proclamation as an official National Holiday)
Nanepashemet- Wampanoag Historian
1954-1995 |
It is hard to celebrate the "first" Thanksgiving when we begin to realize that the "first" Thanksgiving led to a betrayal of friendship...lies...broken treaties...genocide...forced assimilation...reservations...lost languages...poverty...
So what can we take out of Thanksgiving beyond massive amounts of food, parades, football, holiday advertising, the materialistic buying frenzy of Black Friday, past/ current sins against indigenous people groups, and the comfortable myths of the "first" Thanksgiving?
This is where I feel we must return to the "first" Thanksgiving to relearn valuable missed lessons:
Take responsibility for your actions...ask for forgiveness.
Learn from your mistakes.
Stand for integrity, honor, truth, justice, and reconciliation.
Give freely with a true heart to those who have nothing.
Give without holding back...the true way to earn respect.
Thanksgiving comes not once a year, but everyday.