Saturday, April 19, 2014

"Support Our Troops"

At the end of WWII, millions of people were condemned to decades of slave labor and sadistic punishments in Soviet Gulags...the prisoners included Soviet "traitors", German, British, and American POW's that had been "liberated" by the Soviet Army as they pushed west toward Berlin.

GULAG is an acronym for the Russian term...

Glavnoye Upravleniye ispravitelno-trudovyh Lagerey

Josef Stalin demanded that 5 million Soviet citizens in Allied controlled areas be returned to the Soviet Union...upon returning to Russia, most were treated as traitors and executed or sent to gulags where most died of hunger or were worked to death.

Stalin also demanded the return of an additional 2 million former citizens who had fled communist rule seeking political asylum in the west. To satisfy Stalin and guarantee the return of more than 50,000 American and British soldiers (Stalin was holding them as bargaining chips), FDR and Winston Churchill agreed to the forced repatriation of these 2 million dissidents...unfortunately, this never happened!

"The Big Three"
Great Britain secretly kept a number of anti-Communist dissidents with the intention of using them in  “anti-Soviet operations”. In response to Winston Churchill breaking the deal...Stalin retaliated and did not complete the exchange. This left an estimated 50,000+ American and British soldiers to be sent to Soviet Gulags...never to be seen again.

Norman Kass, Executive Secretary of the United States Commission on POW/MIAs stated...

"I personally would be comfortable saying that the number is in the hundreds...we have multiple lists of American servicemen missing...we have lists from World War II, from the Korean War, the Vietnam War."
A 90-page Pentagon report about the missing American and British troops concluded...

"There is a high probability they died in these camps."

FDR...Truman...Ike (and probably others) knew and allowed this to avoid WWIII?

The hypocrisy of POTUS after POTUS asking the American citizens to "Support Our Troops" seems so disingenuous when they often don't really support them!

Gulag Graves

More Questions...

Why did America betray its own soldiers...treating them as pawns in a game?

Why is this not mentioned in our history books?

Why are details still being covered up by our government?

What gulags were they sent to...are any still alive...where are our men buried?

Why aren't we using all possible means to return their bodies to their families?

Why isn't our government apologizing to the families?

Did the government assassinate General George Patton because he was going to expose this "collusion of shame"?!?  

Read my next post...

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