Thursday, May 2, 2013

Dr. Vernon Johns: Prelude To A Dream

Dr. Vernon Johns
1892 - 1965
The Father of the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. Vernon Johns was an African-American civil rights leader and Baptist minister. His messages at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama were sometimes aggressive, accusatory, and shocking...but always "speaking the truth."  He was continually inspired by his mother's words, "If ever you see a good fight...get in it!"

Dexter Avenue Baptist Church

Many times he criticized local whites for their Jim Crow racism and violence and his own church for passively standing by and letting things happen.  Many times his congregation refused his requests to sing "Go Down, Moses" and warned him to not make any trouble in his future sermons. 

Dr. Johns replied, "You are ashamed of what you were (slavery) , I'm ashamed of what you've become!"  

Paul Robeson sings "Go Down, Moses"

One of his most controversial sermons, came after a young woman from his church was raped.  They took her to the hospital, but Jim Crow Laws prevented the doctors from treating her.  In anger, Dr. Johns prepared a sermon entitled "When the Rapist is White." The governor of Alabama warned Dr. Johns that there could be consequences if he gave the sermon, but Dr. Johns ignored the governor.  Following this sermon, the church council asked, "Why don't he leave it alone?"

Later, a man tried to stop police from beating another black man and was shot and killed.  This murder inspired another historic message, "It's Safe to Murder Negroes in Montgomery." Again, the governor, a grand jury, and the KKK tried to stop the message, but he refused.

Watch James Earl Jones' brilliant portrayal of
Vernon Johns "Final Sermon"


Dr. Johns was asked to leave the church and was replaced by a "more traditional pastor"...26 year old Martin Luther King, Jr.  Oh, Dexter Avenue was in for a rude awakening!



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